Never estimate the size of someone else’s job

I got your note. I’d be happy to try and refer you to someone that can do your small project.

Here are some questions that maybe you could answer first?

What is the budget?

What is the criteria for a successful project execution?
Is this intended to be an HTML5 web and mobile app? A native iOS or Android app? Or something else entirely?
What is the timeline? Is it a one-off or does it require support?
Is this going to be a new project or does it build on earlier work?
Is this the first attempt or has someone else already failed?
Are you soliciting bids / is there an RFP?
Who is the person running the project on your end and what is their background? Are they empowered to make decisions?
Where will the project be deployed?
Are there any legal or technical constraints which must be considered?
Are there any strong opinions about technology choices on the table?
What languages must be supported?
Is there a branding/communication/art/design director involved?
Has any UI/UX prototyping been done?
Is there existing branding which must be considered?

There is a set of answers to these questions which would reaffirm that the project is indeed “small”. However, people usually underestimate something or several things that seem trivial because they don’t understand the complexities that are hidden if everyone does their job well.

Having learned from hard-earned experience, I never vocalize my estimation about project scope until I’ve talked to the people who are going to do the work.


Now read this

How would I get started?

Last night on Hacker News, someone asked a simple question with a complicated answer: “I want to build a cable company. How would I get started?” I’m really disappointed in the universally pessimistic and generally unhelpful answers this... Continue →