Something only two people know about Haml

Did you ever wonder about the origin of the !!! doctype directive that’s at the top of almost every Haml file?

It must have some deep, historically significant meaning that pays tribute to Turing or Minsky, right?

In May of 2006, Hampton and the of the folks at Unspace were really into !!!, The Go! Team, Sunset Rubdown, Tapes and Tapes, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, Junior Senior and Stereolab.

And now at least three people know.


Now read this

Introverts: you probably aren’t crazy (but you might be highly sensitive)

Susan Cain’s “Quiet” educated people about the introvert’s social interaction patterns, specifically our need to balance social time with time alone to recharge. While accurate, this is a narrow perspective that ignores the role of what... Continue →