Dear Roseanne Barr: Thanks

Hi Roseanne,

I grew up watching your show. I recently re-watched the last scene of the last episode. Honestly, it had a really profound impact on me.

First, I’d completely blocked out how the show ended from my memory, because I think it upset me at the time. As an adult I am blown away at how you managed to create such a painfully authentic and decidedly un-Hollywood ending. I know that you had to fight every day to do “Roseanne” on your own terms, and that you likely got a lot of pushback. And Jackie was gay! Of course she was.

Second, I was struck by an obvious-in-hindsite realization about how significant a role you played in me establishing progressive values. My family wasn’t so different from your “family”, and you really were the ultimate strong female role-model. There’s no question that I’m a better person for your influence on my development.

Thanks for being so damn awesome, alright?

Pete from Toronto

Roseanne Barr

[Yes, I sent this. I hope @TheRealRoseanne gets it!]


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