How would I get started?
Last night on Hacker News, someone asked a simple question with a complicated answer: “I want to build a cable company. How would I get started?”
I’m really disappointed in the universally pessimistic and generally unhelpful answers this question received. Some people pitched some interesting ideas and helpful analysis, but most of the replies reinforced the notion that Hacker News readers are predominantly male know-it-alls and on the average, a bunch of snarky dicks.
And yet Hacker News folk must be drawn at least somewhat by Paul Graham, who applauds frighteningly ambitious startup ideas.
I for one would love to see a site where all it does is break down what would actually be involved in trying to disrupt major industries. What a fascinating series that could be:
- I want to start a new airline. How would I get started?
- I want to launch a new courier service. How would I get...